Friday, July 18, 2008

Joining Skywatch Friday

Psalm 19:1 (New International Version)

1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

I thought I'd join the Skywatch Friday group and post a sky picture each Friday for your enjoyment...but as yet, I haven't taken a picture today. I want to take a sunset shot and I'm impatiently waiting for the sun to go down. I promise I'll get it posted before the day is gone. My bedroom faces east and my front door faces west, so I get to see a sunrise and sunset every day from the comfort of my air conditioning. ;)

Until I get a shot of the sunset tonight, I'll post a sunset I shot over Lake Tawakoni from the FM 751 bridge near Quinlan a while back. I love the oranges and pinks of sunset.

So, I will get a new shot up this evening when the sun goes down...I am glad to join a group that appreciates the beauty and glory of His skies as much as I do!


Markus Latva-aho said...

It seems so calm out there. Beautiful colors and moment you have captured.

Jane O' said...

Goegeous sunset. Just the kind I like to see for myself.

Jim Klenke said...

beautiful image.

imac said...

Fantastic photos, glad you posted.

The Team thanks you for posting at SW and helping to make this new venture a success.