Psalm 104:24 (New International Version)
24 How many are your works, O LORD!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.

We have a family of barn swallows that nested above my front porch last year and returned this summer to raise a new brood. I noticed a couple of times in early summer that eggs had fallen from the nest, but finally, they managed to hatch four babies. That was a few weeks ago. Three of the fledglings are now flying around, but the fourth one (seen in these pictures) is not flying yet. He hops around all over the yard, and sometimes flutters a few inches from the ground, but still hasn't taken to the air. Mama is still very protective of him, and she always comes when he calls to her. I snapped these images while opportunity presented itself, because it won't be long before he flies I'm sure.
I took this opportunity to teach the kids about these birds. We googled barn swallows, and learned that they are the most common bird (when you include all their varieties). We also learned that they eat insects while in flight. The fledglings take about a week to learn to fly and will no longer return to their nest after that time period. I know the other three babies are still coming back to the nest at night, but that will stop in the next few days. It's sad to see them leave, but next spring, Mama and Daddy will return to start the cycle again.
Went to Sunday school and church today...even though I have a major migraine that is making me want to find the nearest guillotine. Very good class, and equally good message from Bro. John today. We were saddened to hear of our youth minister's call to another church, but I know we all wish him well and will soon have another great youth minister to work with our kids.
Here's to a good week. I'm leaving tomorrow morning with the kids to go camping for a few days, so I won't be posting until Thursday. I'll have TONS of pictures, though, so stay tuned! Keep us in your prayers if you don't mind. :)
I didn't know you had a've been holding out on me! All those lovely comments you've been leaving for me and I haven't given you any blog love.
Also, you need to join Facebook. :P
Hi Laurie, hope you don't mind a visit from a 'stranger'. Jim over at Terrell Daily Photo posted a link to your blog. I hope you are having a great time camping with all those kids. I know they are loving it. Some of my fondest memories are from similar outings when I was a kid. Just something about changing where you sleep and what you see when you get up is good for the soul now a now then. May the Lord bless you abundantly this week with the awareness of His closeness to you.
I happened upon your blog from Jim at Terrell Daily photo. I love your little birds.
Hi Laurie, I found your blog from Jim's link too. I enjoyed reading your posts and your photos are beautiful. Keep up the good work!
Hi Laurie ~~ I came over from Jim's blog....
I really enjoyed reading your posts, and I will be back, I can see we have things in common.
A new friend.
Wanda from Brushstrokes
I love these bird shots! We're you able to get up close and use a macro? I love the little 'tuft's sticking out all over him.
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