2 Samuel 22:16-18 (New International Version)
16 The valleys of the sea were exposed
and the foundations of the earth laid bare
at the rebuke of the LORD,
at the blast of breath from his nostrils.
17 "He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
he drew me out of deep waters.
18 He rescued me from my powerful enemy,
from my foes, who were too strong for me.
Ever feel like you're treading water in the sea of the daily grind? Sometimes I think we all feel that way, myself included. With money as tight as it is for most folks, that just adds to the drama. But when I am feeling like I'm about to go under, I know that God is there to help pull me back up to the surface and keep me afloat. I've had to call upon Him so many times in the past 15 months, but He is always there and always helps me to make it one more day. I am so thankful and appreciative of His saving grace.
Speaking of treading water, I think I might take the kids to the lake today. The three of them are all practically little fishes...especially the younger two. What's so funny is that the youngest, Clay, would not ever even allow water on his face up until last week. He spent the week with his grandmother in Athens and she had him take swimming lessons...and now he's swimming under water, jumping off the diving board, and even went to a water park on Sunday with some friends and went down the HUGE slides all on his own. It's amazing!
I will take a bunch of pictures if we go and I'll post them up later. To tie you over while waiting for my amazing photography skillz, please enjoy the picture at the top of this post...it's from the last time we went, just about two weeks ago. That's Daniel, Zack, J.P., and Clay (J.P. and Clay are mine, the other two are neighbors) posing in the water. Such little goofballs!
Oh...in other news: What's this world coming to??? I guess I will be next, because I take TONS of pictures of my kids at the park. Sheesh.
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