For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD.
Sadly, today is my last day of summer vacation. Tomorrow I must report back to work at THS. Now don't get me wrong...I LOVE my job and am truly blessed to work with a group of amazing ladies and wonderful kids that make it not seem like work at all. Heck, I'm truly blessed to work at all in these tough economic times!
I have really enjoyed the last six weeks I've had off with the kids. I've accomplished most of what I wanted to do, and I have had some very restful moments along with some wonderful and exciting ones. I wouldn't mind it going on a few more weeks, that's for sure!
I am really looking forward to this year. My head is full of new ideas and lots of motivation to try new things with my students. I am starting a new support group for my Project HOPE student parents, so that they can not only cope with teen parenthood a little better, but also earn "Baby Bucks" to spend in our new Parent Pantry on diapers, wipes, and other necessary baby items (we always need diapers and wipes for the pantry if you feel led to donate!).
I pray that this is going to be a wonderful and effective year for all my students. Yes, we face some tough times and many challenges, but I have faith that we will overcome the obstacles and come out in early June having accomplished what we set out to do at Project HOPE keep students in school and get them across the stage at graduation, despite their circumstances.
Here are a few of my favorite pics I've taken at work. You'll have to click on the pics to see the whole image...they look funny on here but you can see the whole shot when you click on it.

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