I had my first full week of WW as of Monday. I stayed completely on program, and I never once felt hungry or wanted to eat something that wasn't such a great choice for me. I stayed full, and I ate what seemed like a lot of food. I chose to eat several times during the day in smaller portions that were just a few points here and there, rather than using them in big chunks on a couple of big meals. I only used 2.5 of my "extra" weekly point allowance, and I never traded any of my activity points. Speaking of activity points, I earned 20 of them. I walked every day except Sunday, and I used my Gazelle when it rained. I made a conscious choice to do what was right and what was necessary to lose some of this junk in my trunk.
So.....I went to the meeting, kind of nervous about that first weigh-in. I have dieted many, many times, only to find that all my hard work was for naught. I went in, stepped up on the scale, and the lovely WW lady looked at me, then looked at the scale reading, then looked at me again with this strange look. I thought something was wrong, so I got off and got back on, and she said "I have to get out my calculator, you lost so much!!" I was in shock. I was expecting maybe a pound or two. My grand total for week 1's loss? 8.2 pounds, baby!!!!! E-i-g-h-t point t-w-o!!! I was on cloud nine!!
I'm still on program, I'm still walking (got two miles in today, as matter of fact), and think I might have finally found something that works for me. I'm giving it the old college try, that's for sure. I'm working hard to get in the right number of servings of fruits, veggies, and dairy...but I'm still struggling with the oils. I don't eat much oil.
Now I know that every week won't be like that, and I know that it will usually be in that 1-2 pound loss (but I'll take ANY loss). I'm not getting my hopes up for that because it didn't take me overnight to become this big, so it will not be overnight for me to lose it all. I'm patient, though. Someday you'll see me sashay through the streets of Terrell (yes, that's right, I will SASHAY) and wonder where the other half of me went. Promise. :)