Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
Our dear friends Shelba and Mike are getting married in August, so the girls from our Sunday School class got together to give Shelba a "spa" shower. We all met at Debbie's house for food, fun, and of course, pampering a-plenty.
Debbie arranged to have three special ladies there, one who is a massage therapist student, one who is a registered reflexologist, and one who is a nail artist. We had full body massages, reflexology foot soaks, and our toenails painted with such an artistic flair that I may never go back to plain old polish again.
We laughed, we ate, we relaxed, we laughed some more (and ate some more), and we had a wonderful time. We also got Debbie and Lisa to enter the 21st century and join Facebook. ;) That was fun too!
We are all so thrilled that Mike and Shelba are tying the knot. Both were widowed in the last couple of years, and both are such sweethearts that they just seem to belong together. The only sad thing is that our Singles Sunday School class is dwindling...we've had several marry already or become engaged. It gives me hope that maybe I might be able to do that myself someday.
Here are some pictures from last night. If you want info regarding the Toe Artist, her name is Melissa Daniels and she is amazing. She runs "Lil Miss Creations" and I have her contact information if you would like it.

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