I thought I'd dedicate a day a week to focus on the new journey I've embarked upon with Weight Watchers. Each week I will try to update my progress and discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly when necessary.
So far I haven't felt hungry, I haven't felt deprived, and I haven't felt stressed about calories or fat grams. That seems to be the luxury of the WW point system. I'm quickly learning how to figure the points for foods, and I have had to get used to measuring things. Who knew a serving of salad dressing was only 2 tbsp, and that 2 tbsp is really enough if you want it to be.
You know, I think that my problem for a long time has been portion control. I got too used to "super sizing" things, and trying to eat everything on my plate (there are kids in China or Africa starving to death, you know). I grew up in a "clean your plate" family, and that mindset has really stuck with me. We didn't have a lot of money, so we weren't supposed to waste anything.
I've also been an emotional eater...I eat when I'm sad or depressed (comfort food), and I eat when I'm happy (celebration eating). Since my husband died, I think I've gained about 40 pounds. I guess that might be expected, but I'm tired of it.
In most cultures, we love each other through food. We use it to cheer people up, to celebrate occasions and holidays, to mark rites of passage, as gifts, as a way to connect to others. Food is an extension of ourselves, and we try to fill others with our love or our lives via the food we prepare for them. I am going to work very hard to get past that mindset...to convince myself that food first and foremost is fuel for the machine that is my body. The enjoyment of food should come from flavors, textures, smells, and presentation, not from the amount of it I can consume in sitting just because it tastes good or it makes me feel less sad or depressed.
I have spent two days on the plan and both days have ended with plenty of points left over. I'm having some trouble getting in dairy products...I'm not much on milk but I will make a concerted effort to get those in as I progress. I've had a lot of activity and look forward to my walks in the mornings. I've been listening to audio books on my mp3 player, which makes the time pass quicker for me than music. Today I added some time on the Gazelle, which was good during the brief downpour this morning. It made me feel less guilty about watching TV. ;)
So I'll update Wednesday about my progress and how I feel things are going, and let you know how weigh-in goes. My first goal to meet is a 5% goal, which should take about 5 weeks to meet. Keep me motivated, folks! :)