Genesis 1:5
God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
Instead of listening to an audio book this morning, I decided to take my camera with me on my walk. I love to walk early in the morning, when the only sounds are those made by crickets and birds, and the only movement is the breeze or the occasional critter. The colors are more vivid, the scents of nature are more pure, and the hopefulness of the day is palpable. Here are the scenes I typically encounter daily. Enjoy!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
They Grow Up Fast!
Genesis 18:19
For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."
Today I sent my middle son off to pre-teen church camp. This is his first time to be away from any family for a week. It's hard for me to believe sometimes that he is a pre-teen (or tween, or whatever they call kids that are no longer little kids but still not teenagers). He's almost 11, but just the other day he was a squalling, squirmy bundle I lugged home from the hospital...all 8 pounds, 6 ounces of him.
J.P. is so different from my other two kids. He is very laid back, casual, and doesn't get very emotional about things. Even tempered, calm, and definitely not one to want to make a scene. He is a people pleaser, and he loves to make people laugh. He has a goofy sense of humor and tons of charm. He's going to be one of those kids that even if he gets into trouble in class, he will be able to charm his way out of it with his smile and his giggle.
I have a feeling we will have quite a few girls calling the house soon. He has that tousled sandy blonde hair, deep brown eyes, and a tan that makes most cheerleaders envious. I wish I could keep him all to myself longer, but I know I have to send him out in the world someday, hopefully equipped to make good decisions and knowing that I love him very much.
I'm so thankful that we have an awesome church and an active youth department. This camp will be so much fun for them! My prayer is that the kids' hearts are open to receive the message God brings them this week and that they come back as leaders for the kids they encounter at school and in the community, winning hearts for God.
For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."
Today I sent my middle son off to pre-teen church camp. This is his first time to be away from any family for a week. It's hard for me to believe sometimes that he is a pre-teen (or tween, or whatever they call kids that are no longer little kids but still not teenagers). He's almost 11, but just the other day he was a squalling, squirmy bundle I lugged home from the hospital...all 8 pounds, 6 ounces of him.
J.P. is so different from my other two kids. He is very laid back, casual, and doesn't get very emotional about things. Even tempered, calm, and definitely not one to want to make a scene. He is a people pleaser, and he loves to make people laugh. He has a goofy sense of humor and tons of charm. He's going to be one of those kids that even if he gets into trouble in class, he will be able to charm his way out of it with his smile and his giggle.
I have a feeling we will have quite a few girls calling the house soon. He has that tousled sandy blonde hair, deep brown eyes, and a tan that makes most cheerleaders envious. I wish I could keep him all to myself longer, but I know I have to send him out in the world someday, hopefully equipped to make good decisions and knowing that I love him very much.
I'm so thankful that we have an awesome church and an active youth department. This camp will be so much fun for them! My prayer is that the kids' hearts are open to receive the message God brings them this week and that they come back as leaders for the kids they encounter at school and in the community, winning hearts for God.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Weight Watchers Wednesday
I thought I'd dedicate a day a week to focus on the new journey I've embarked upon with Weight Watchers. Each week I will try to update my progress and discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly when necessary.
So far I haven't felt hungry, I haven't felt deprived, and I haven't felt stressed about calories or fat grams. That seems to be the luxury of the WW point system. I'm quickly learning how to figure the points for foods, and I have had to get used to measuring things. Who knew a serving of salad dressing was only 2 tbsp, and that 2 tbsp is really enough if you want it to be.
You know, I think that my problem for a long time has been portion control. I got too used to "super sizing" things, and trying to eat everything on my plate (there are kids in China or Africa starving to death, you know). I grew up in a "clean your plate" family, and that mindset has really stuck with me. We didn't have a lot of money, so we weren't supposed to waste anything.
I've also been an emotional eater...I eat when I'm sad or depressed (comfort food), and I eat when I'm happy (celebration eating). Since my husband died, I think I've gained about 40 pounds. I guess that might be expected, but I'm tired of it.
In most cultures, we love each other through food. We use it to cheer people up, to celebrate occasions and holidays, to mark rites of passage, as gifts, as a way to connect to others. Food is an extension of ourselves, and we try to fill others with our love or our lives via the food we prepare for them. I am going to work very hard to get past that convince myself that food first and foremost is fuel for the machine that is my body. The enjoyment of food should come from flavors, textures, smells, and presentation, not from the amount of it I can consume in sitting just because it tastes good or it makes me feel less sad or depressed.
I have spent two days on the plan and both days have ended with plenty of points left over. I'm having some trouble getting in dairy products...I'm not much on milk but I will make a concerted effort to get those in as I progress. I've had a lot of activity and look forward to my walks in the mornings. I've been listening to audio books on my mp3 player, which makes the time pass quicker for me than music. Today I added some time on the Gazelle, which was good during the brief downpour this morning. It made me feel less guilty about watching TV. ;)
So I'll update Wednesday about my progress and how I feel things are going, and let you know how weigh-in goes. My first goal to meet is a 5% goal, which should take about 5 weeks to meet. Keep me motivated, folks! :)
So far I haven't felt hungry, I haven't felt deprived, and I haven't felt stressed about calories or fat grams. That seems to be the luxury of the WW point system. I'm quickly learning how to figure the points for foods, and I have had to get used to measuring things. Who knew a serving of salad dressing was only 2 tbsp, and that 2 tbsp is really enough if you want it to be.
You know, I think that my problem for a long time has been portion control. I got too used to "super sizing" things, and trying to eat everything on my plate (there are kids in China or Africa starving to death, you know). I grew up in a "clean your plate" family, and that mindset has really stuck with me. We didn't have a lot of money, so we weren't supposed to waste anything.
I've also been an emotional eater...I eat when I'm sad or depressed (comfort food), and I eat when I'm happy (celebration eating). Since my husband died, I think I've gained about 40 pounds. I guess that might be expected, but I'm tired of it.
In most cultures, we love each other through food. We use it to cheer people up, to celebrate occasions and holidays, to mark rites of passage, as gifts, as a way to connect to others. Food is an extension of ourselves, and we try to fill others with our love or our lives via the food we prepare for them. I am going to work very hard to get past that convince myself that food first and foremost is fuel for the machine that is my body. The enjoyment of food should come from flavors, textures, smells, and presentation, not from the amount of it I can consume in sitting just because it tastes good or it makes me feel less sad or depressed.
I have spent two days on the plan and both days have ended with plenty of points left over. I'm having some trouble getting in dairy products...I'm not much on milk but I will make a concerted effort to get those in as I progress. I've had a lot of activity and look forward to my walks in the mornings. I've been listening to audio books on my mp3 player, which makes the time pass quicker for me than music. Today I added some time on the Gazelle, which was good during the brief downpour this morning. It made me feel less guilty about watching TV. ;)
So I'll update Wednesday about my progress and how I feel things are going, and let you know how weigh-in goes. My first goal to meet is a 5% goal, which should take about 5 weeks to meet. Keep me motivated, folks! :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Here's to Health, Life, and Smaller Pants
I have a new look...much shorter and much blonder, but still all me. ;) Soon there will be more (or less, rather) to my new look, because today is my first day on the Weight Watchers program. I went to my first meeting last night and I am really looking forward to making a change for the better in my life.
I have decided that lap band isn't for me right now. I know that I can do this on my own. I just have to find the inner strength and willpower to change my unhealthy eating habits and to get up off of my ample derriere and move more often. I started walking about a month ago, so that's one thing that I have in my favor.
Oh, and just FYI...I will need help to stay motivated with three sons in the house (they eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING) so I will be asking for support!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Wedding Spa Shower for a Friend
Hebrews 13:4
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
Our dear friends Shelba and Mike are getting married in August, so the girls from our Sunday School class got together to give Shelba a "spa" shower. We all met at Debbie's house for food, fun, and of course, pampering a-plenty.
Debbie arranged to have three special ladies there, one who is a massage therapist student, one who is a registered reflexologist, and one who is a nail artist. We had full body massages, reflexology foot soaks, and our toenails painted with such an artistic flair that I may never go back to plain old polish again.
We laughed, we ate, we relaxed, we laughed some more (and ate some more), and we had a wonderful time. We also got Debbie and Lisa to enter the 21st century and join Facebook. ;) That was fun too!
We are all so thrilled that Mike and Shelba are tying the knot. Both were widowed in the last couple of years, and both are such sweethearts that they just seem to belong together. The only sad thing is that our Singles Sunday School class is dwindling...we've had several marry already or become engaged. It gives me hope that maybe I might be able to do that myself someday.
Here are some pictures from last night. If you want info regarding the Toe Artist, her name is Melissa Daniels and she is amazing. She runs "Lil Miss Creations" and I have her contact information if you would like it.
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
Our dear friends Shelba and Mike are getting married in August, so the girls from our Sunday School class got together to give Shelba a "spa" shower. We all met at Debbie's house for food, fun, and of course, pampering a-plenty.
Debbie arranged to have three special ladies there, one who is a massage therapist student, one who is a registered reflexologist, and one who is a nail artist. We had full body massages, reflexology foot soaks, and our toenails painted with such an artistic flair that I may never go back to plain old polish again.
We laughed, we ate, we relaxed, we laughed some more (and ate some more), and we had a wonderful time. We also got Debbie and Lisa to enter the 21st century and join Facebook. ;) That was fun too!
We are all so thrilled that Mike and Shelba are tying the knot. Both were widowed in the last couple of years, and both are such sweethearts that they just seem to belong together. The only sad thing is that our Singles Sunday School class is dwindling...we've had several marry already or become engaged. It gives me hope that maybe I might be able to do that myself someday.
Here are some pictures from last night. If you want info regarding the Toe Artist, her name is Melissa Daniels and she is amazing. She runs "Lil Miss Creations" and I have her contact information if you would like it.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Beaver's Bend Trip, Part Four...and not really in Beaver's Bend at all!
Psalm 78:15
He split the rocks in the desert and gave them water as abundant as the seas.
On the last day of the trip, we took a detour east to Arkansas...where we stopped by the Crater of Diamonds State Park. Now when I was a little girl, my parents took me up there to find a diamond. I remember it being a huge open mud field, with no shade, no where to sit, and being pretty miserable all day long in the July heat. Well, it was exactly the same some 30-odd years later. Of course the gift shop and equipment rental facility was much improved (not to mention that they added a water park to the grounds but it costs extra, of course), but the open mud field was a scorching 115 F and the shade was only there if you wanted to hike a half mile to it. Needless to say, I hadn't changed my feelings about it much. is one of those places that most parents just seem obligated to take their children to visit at least once, just so they can say they did it and the kids can say they dug for a real diamond in a real diamond mine.
After my half a mile hike to a shady spot, I sat there and looked out in the open field...lots of little clusters of families with children, much like my own, and in every cluster, there was a screaming kid saying something like, "It's hot moooommmmmyyy!!! I wanna go home!!!! Can we go to the car NOW?????" I was laughing on the inside, happy that it wasn't just me!
My boys, on the other hand, found it to be not exactly fun, but a quest...a quest to find a diamond. André had it in his mind that he wasn't leaving without one, so he set out to dig a pit that we could bury someone in. J.P. helped, of course. Clay gave up and sat with me in the shade. Jeramey went to the gift shop to cool off. After about 3 hours of searching and digging, we finally had lunch and called it a day.
We left with some really neat rocks, some family memories, and some vacation snapshots. No diamonds. At least that's one more vacation place I can check off the list of places I need to take the kids to see.
He split the rocks in the desert and gave them water as abundant as the seas.
On the last day of the trip, we took a detour east to Arkansas...where we stopped by the Crater of Diamonds State Park. Now when I was a little girl, my parents took me up there to find a diamond. I remember it being a huge open mud field, with no shade, no where to sit, and being pretty miserable all day long in the July heat. Well, it was exactly the same some 30-odd years later. Of course the gift shop and equipment rental facility was much improved (not to mention that they added a water park to the grounds but it costs extra, of course), but the open mud field was a scorching 115 F and the shade was only there if you wanted to hike a half mile to it. Needless to say, I hadn't changed my feelings about it much. is one of those places that most parents just seem obligated to take their children to visit at least once, just so they can say they did it and the kids can say they dug for a real diamond in a real diamond mine.
After my half a mile hike to a shady spot, I sat there and looked out in the open field...lots of little clusters of families with children, much like my own, and in every cluster, there was a screaming kid saying something like, "It's hot moooommmmmyyy!!! I wanna go home!!!! Can we go to the car NOW?????" I was laughing on the inside, happy that it wasn't just me!
My boys, on the other hand, found it to be not exactly fun, but a quest...a quest to find a diamond. André had it in his mind that he wasn't leaving without one, so he set out to dig a pit that we could bury someone in. J.P. helped, of course. Clay gave up and sat with me in the shade. Jeramey went to the gift shop to cool off. After about 3 hours of searching and digging, we finally had lunch and called it a day.
We left with some really neat rocks, some family memories, and some vacation snapshots. No diamonds. At least that's one more vacation place I can check off the list of places I need to take the kids to see.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Beaver's Bend Trip Part Three
Isaiah 32:18
My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.
This third installment features shots from "Evening Hole," which is a renovated area designed to increase the trout population and attract more fishermen to the area, I'm sure. It's GORGEOUS. I love the layout and the landscape. The water is crystal clear, and the scenery is heavenly. We had a wonderful time in this part of the park!
Tomorrow I think I'll post the shots from our detour to Arkansas to the Crater of Diamonds State Park. See you then!
My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.
This third installment features shots from "Evening Hole," which is a renovated area designed to increase the trout population and attract more fishermen to the area, I'm sure. It's GORGEOUS. I love the layout and the landscape. The water is crystal clear, and the scenery is heavenly. We had a wonderful time in this part of the park!
Tomorrow I think I'll post the shots from our detour to Arkansas to the Crater of Diamonds State Park. See you then!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Beaver's Bend Trip, Part Two
Revelation 22:1
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Today's post from our vacation highlights our time we spent in the Mountain Fork River hiking. It was such a beautiful place!!! I was kind of worried because this part of the river runs very swiftly and I was afraid one of the little ones would be swept away, but the big guys took very good care of them and didn't let them get away from the group. I stayed mostly on the bank, hiking up and down about a mile and a half or so along the river as they played. Some places were no more than knee or ankle deep, but others dropped to 4 or 5 feet.
André and Jeramey really loved the surroundings and plan to go back and do the real "man camp" kind of stuff if we get the opportunity. I'll stay nice and cool in the cabin, thank you very much.
Tomorrow I will highlight an area of the river called "Evening Hole," which they are renovating into a trout or fly fisherman's paradise. It's gorgeous. I can't wait to show you! :)
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Today's post from our vacation highlights our time we spent in the Mountain Fork River hiking. It was such a beautiful place!!! I was kind of worried because this part of the river runs very swiftly and I was afraid one of the little ones would be swept away, but the big guys took very good care of them and didn't let them get away from the group. I stayed mostly on the bank, hiking up and down about a mile and a half or so along the river as they played. Some places were no more than knee or ankle deep, but others dropped to 4 or 5 feet.
André and Jeramey really loved the surroundings and plan to go back and do the real "man camp" kind of stuff if we get the opportunity. I'll stay nice and cool in the cabin, thank you very much.
Tomorrow I will highlight an area of the river called "Evening Hole," which they are renovating into a trout or fly fisherman's paradise. It's gorgeous. I can't wait to show you! :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Beaver's Bend Trip, Part One
“I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws.”- Psalm 119:30
My boys and I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago to Beaver's Bend State Park near Broken Bow, Oklahoma. We had an incredible time there. We went kayaking, canoeing, hiking, swimming, and just really enjoyed each other's company for the week. Over the next few days I'll post up some photos I really love from the trip. Hope you enjoy them, even though they are from my point and shoot and not my "big gun."
The selection today are shots from kayaking and canoeing on the Mountain Fork River. I had never done either one of those, so it was a first for me and for the younger two boys. André and Jeramey had before, of course, so they were pros. We went canoeing first, and that was so beautiful!! The weather was not unbearably hot, and the river was ICE cold. The scenery was just spectacular. Kayaking was on days two and three, and maybe even four. I was scared, because I thought I'd tip it over or never be able to get out of the silly thing...but I was wrong. It was the best thing ever. I LOVE it. I might even have to buy us some kayaks to take to the lake or go on river trips with. SOOOO much fun!
We can't wait to go back!
My boys and I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago to Beaver's Bend State Park near Broken Bow, Oklahoma. We had an incredible time there. We went kayaking, canoeing, hiking, swimming, and just really enjoyed each other's company for the week. Over the next few days I'll post up some photos I really love from the trip. Hope you enjoy them, even though they are from my point and shoot and not my "big gun."
The selection today are shots from kayaking and canoeing on the Mountain Fork River. I had never done either one of those, so it was a first for me and for the younger two boys. André and Jeramey had before, of course, so they were pros. We went canoeing first, and that was so beautiful!! The weather was not unbearably hot, and the river was ICE cold. The scenery was just spectacular. Kayaking was on days two and three, and maybe even four. I was scared, because I thought I'd tip it over or never be able to get out of the silly thing...but I was wrong. It was the best thing ever. I LOVE it. I might even have to buy us some kayaks to take to the lake or go on river trips with. SOOOO much fun!
We can't wait to go back!
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