1 Chronicles 28:19 (New International Version)
19 "All this," David said, "I have in writing from the hand of the LORD upon me, and he gave me understanding in all the details of the plan."

When we get so busy, sometimes we get caught up in the details and lose sight of the big picture. At least I do. I let the routine and the rush sort of gobble me up and I have to make myself stop and smell the roses...or as in the case today, the water lilies.
I drove my oldest to Kaufman to drop him off to see his girlfriend play in a volleyball tournament this morning...one of those "one more thing" things. After leaving him at the school, we headed back to Terrell and I drove past the entrance of the Kaufman City Lakes Park, same as I've done a million times...but this time I turned the car around on 34 and went back so I could actually drive into the park, which I've never seen. My other two sons and I drove into the playground area and parked, then we walked over to the first of the two lakes. There was a little pier thingie that jutted out over the water, but the water was practically non-existent. The entire lake was COVERED in water lilies and lily pads. I wish I had my camera with me at the time, because it was so beauiful! I will have to go back soon to get a shot for you. As it was, I was fortunate to be able to reach one of the flowers from the pier and I snapped it off to bring home.
The boys and I then walked around a bit, and they played on the playground. A lot of the equipment was worn and there was gang graffiti all over the park on the signs and buildings. I was really disappointed in that. I guess the city of Kaufman doesn't take care of their facilities as much as I'm used to.
It was nice to pause for even 20 minutes or so today and spend it with my little ones. It's going to be harder to catch those moments as school begins again, and even moreso as they grow up so fast before my eyes. They're my "big picture" and I never want to get so caught up in things that I forget it.
The pictures above are detail shots of the flower I took today. I was in an abstract, artsy mood so I thought I'd do something a little bit different. Hope you like it! :)
nice photo, and artsy as well! funny, the one time i've been to kaufman city lakes park happened the exact same way -- i passed it, thought 'why not stop there for a few minutes' and then turned around and went back =)
You are right Laurie. You need to intentionally slow down and enjoy the world that has been entrusted to us, both nature and people. I am so guilty of being "on task" or in a rush. Your post reminds me of the need to take notice of what is all around.
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