Proverbs 13:13 (New International Version)
13 He who scorns instruction will pay for it,
but he who respects a command is rewarded.

I found out that the coaches from last season had all either moved up to the next age division or had quit altogether. I also found out that the man coaching was the stepdad of one of the boys on the team last year. He said there would be big changes, most specifically in coaching style and consistency...two BIG problems last year (among a littany of others). I finally gave in and so we will be Longhorns again this season.
I don't want to sound like I'm trashing TYFL...I'm sure the organization as a whole serves a great purpose and keeps a lot of kids busy, having fun, and learning fundamentals of football. My experience, however, was that the parents are awful on the fields, cursing at other people's kids during games, screaming at their own kids and the coaches, and the coaches lose their cool WAY too much of the time. I just don't parent like that and don't like my kid being around people who do.
Now, of course, that means my life is not my own from now until November. Practice three nights a week, games on Saturdays. This along with my oldest son's THS band schedule, tennis schedule, and my youngest son's piano lessons and whatever else he might involve himself with, means I will be a basket case until that final banquet...which of course, ushers in the start of basketball season. ;)
That old saying that "Mothers of boys work from son up 'til son down" is so very true!
Y'all have a blessed day. :)
Go Longhorns!
Great pictures and story. Glad you are letting him play. Hopefully its better than last year.
Honey, you can handle it. And those boys will grow up to be great men as a result of your guidance as they experience the real world. And let me tell you, in our experience, soccer parents are much the same as those football ones you mentioned. Not all of them, thank goodness, and my sons gravitated towards fellow players whose parents parented like me. Yours will, too.
He certainly looks ready for that football. Isn't it hot, though? I don't understand why football start these days so far in advance of autumn weather.
my mom always used to complain about just being a 'chauffeur' =) and she only had one to drag around to events and practices, etc....
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