1 Corinthians 9:25 (New International Version)
25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

Oh y'all...I know I've been completely absent for the past two weeks...I promise I will try do to better. Life has been completely CU-RAY-ZEE and I have just settled into about 15 minutes of peace and thought I might update the ol' blog.
Inservice the week of the 18th was handled well. It was informative, done in small groups, and presented topics that were useful to us. I applaud whomever redesigned that whole thing.
I got to meet our three new assistant principals, and I LOOOOVE them. They are all tough, smart, experienced, and truly care about kids. I am so looking forward to how things will be this year at THS. We have really been blessed with a team of professionals who will move us forward.
School started the 25th, of course, and my boys all have amazing teachers. We couldn't be happier with their assignments, and I know they will grow and learn a lot this year. Even my big ol' freshman, who thinks he knows it all already. ;)
Now that school has started, so have all the school-related activities. We've been to band events, sports events, parent events, and events on top of events. I'm still learning how to be in two or three places at once. ;)
At my office, where we take care of the students who are pregnant or parenting while still going to school, we are busy as cranberry merchants (as my nanny would say). We have four students out for their postnatal homebased education, which means I am visiting girls in their homes (or our Parenting Skills teacher is) at least twice a week for each student. Our day care is filling up rapidly with kiddos from 4 weeks to 4 years old, and we are running about trying to make sure everyone is taken care of in the best ways possible.
Neeless to say, this should explain my absent posts...but I will be more prompt in the future . As my mea culpa, I will post some pics from "Meet the Tiger" night. Go Tigers! :)