Psalm 57:8
8 Awake, my soul!
Awake, harp and lyre!
I will awaken the dawn.

...well, actually Saturday morning...this is my view over my back fence every day. It was much nicer before they put up those power lines, but I must admit, I like electricity. ;)
Happy Spring and have a wonderful weekend!!!!!
I have missed quite a few posts. I like the layer of fog, it shows up well. Looks like Oreo will have a large yard to play in.
This is such a pretty shot. I love the mellowness it radiates. Thanks for sharing and happy Spring.
Pretty sky, Happy Skywatch Friday!
I love sunrises! We have the same problem. A great big beautiful field for the sunrise back drop, with power lines running through it!
Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend!
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