"O afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will build you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with sapphires.
That was quite a storm last night. The thunder, lightning, wind, hail, and round after round after round of pummeling rain was just more than many trees in the area could take. Lots of whole trees, branches, fences, and miscellaneous stuff was blown EVERYWHERE. It's going to take a few days to clear it all up.
Fortunately, we were blessed to only lose one section of fence and my windmill wound up in pieces, but those are just things. We were not injured. Like the song says, I will praise Him in this storm!!! :)

Glad to hear you guys are okay! Looks nasty down there. I'll show these to my sister who's thinking about moving to TX with her boyfriend. ;)
Glad to hear you're okay! Good song to mention, too!
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