Ephesians 6:4 (New International Version)
4Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

The boys are playing Upward basketball again this season. They are on the Mountaineers (in green in the photos). We played our fourth game Saturday, and the kids are really having fun and learning a lot about the sport. I am so pleased with the Upward program as a whole. Both seasons it has been extremely well organized and we have been blessed with awesome coaches. What a wonderful way to teach the kids about basketball as well as God! The practices are once a week, the games are one hour, and every game includes a short devotional during halftime. The kids have weekly bible verses to learn and they earn stars for their uniforms by their play, sportsmanship, and Christlike behaviors during the games. There are always a lot of parents, family members, and friends at the games showing their support and love. I'm so glad I found a wonderful church home and family to help me raise up my boys!!! :)